Woodside Primary School is a 2 form entry school in central Dudley with over 360 children and always room for more! We are set on a spacious site with lots of space, green field sports area and two playgrounds. Our wooded areas are used for Forest school and exploring our exciting curriculum outside.
We work very hard with our community and have a Community Centre on site. We value the families that we serve and enjoys celebrating and sharing together. Our extensive and inclusive buildings, provide an excellent setting, in which our children play and learn.
We are very proud of the warm and welcoming environment we provide at Woodside. Our fantastic staff team work hard to deliver an exciting curriculum and foster the development of the whole child through our pastoral systems - to ensure that our children are "learning ready" every day. We strive to foster harmony throughout our whole school community and believe that this impacts strongly on the progress that our children make, leading them all to become successful individuals.
Our Nursery
Our Nursery is led and managed by Woodside Primary School and Nursery Governing Body. We offer places for 2 - 4 year olds. We can accommodate for NEF children and also for fee paying children.
Nursery experience is often a child's first venture alone into a larger world outside the family and home. We believe that what children learn in Nursery can create lasting foundations on which to build on during their lives. A high quality nursery education is about much more than numbers, letters, colours and shapes. It's about learning to be independent, confident, strong and curious. It's about developing children's natural joy and wonder at the world they live in. We believe children learn by exploring and investigating, watching and listening, talking and discussing, creating and communicating, and simply 'having a go!'
By working in true partnership with parents we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging environment which is a warm and friendly extension of home. Where children and adults can explore, have fun, play, talk and learn together as happy, confident and independent individuals within their community. We believe that we have a significant role to play along with parents, families, other professionals and the whole of the wider community in raising the young citizens of our society.