Central Team
Executive Team
Chief Executive Officer - Rebecca Cox
Rebecca is currently the CEO at Hales Valley Trust. Rebecca has been part of the evolution of the Trust since its inception in 2017. She is also a National Leader of Education, the Director of Hales Valley Teaching hub and a current Lead Ofsted Inspector. Prior to being CEO she was the Headteacher of the lead trust school for 10 years and the Director of School Improvement. Rebecca has led the Black Country Teaching Schools Alliance and successfully wrote one of the 2 round 1 SSIF bids for £500,000 to improve the outcomes for over 2000 EYFS children across the 4 Black Country Authorities over a 2 year period - which was a huge success. She has worked in a range of schools in a range of roles from Advanced Skills Teacher, to Assistant Headteacher then moving onto a headteacher role. She has been a designated National Leader of Education for over 10 years and supports other schools and Trusts across the region.
Rebecca has been the chair of Dudley Primary Forum and is a current member of Dudley Schools Forum which brings all areas of the education and council sector together across the borough. Rebecca continues to engage with the latest CPD and has completed her NPQEL qualification and is a facilitator of the new specialist NPQLBC qualification. Rebecca works closely with Olevi and a school in her Trust is the regional coaching centre of excellence. She is a Founding Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching and enjoys engaging with the Chartered College of Teaching in discussions and debates around a number of national and regional issues.
Rebecca is a huge believer in coaching as a way to enable a team to deliver results and develop sustainable long term thinking. She is a trained professional coach and has enjoyed spreading her passion for coaching throughout her Trust and beyond so that others can benefit from the 'Power of Coaching'. She has worked with IRIS connect to develop the use of video technology to improve the quality of teaching and used this as her masters study focus to consider the impact it has improving quality first teaching. Rebecca has spoken at regional and national level including being part of a panel discussion at the Academies show Autumn 2021 and the National data conference in Spring 2022.
She is currently studying for her PHD with a particular focus on how mainstream schools can improve their practice to support autistic children. This work has led her to draw upon the most knowledgeable experts in this field across the world in order for her to begin her thesis in 2025.
Director for Finance and Operations - Lisa-Jane Garfield
As Director of Finance and Operations for the Trust, Lisa is responsible for the non-teaching and learning elements of the Trust, predominantly Finance, HR, Estates, IT and operations. Lisa is a qualified Chartered Accountant who holds a professional membership of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (ACMA/CGMA), also AAT, gained a certification in Taxation and holds L7 ILM Diploma in Leadership and Management.
Having started her career in the private sector at accounting entry level she was promoted at various levels in both management accounting and financial accounting roles for 15 years before joining the Charity Sector in 2006. During her time in the private sector she also travelled to USA to assist with implementation of an IT system, and was part of a team embedding the Kaizen approach to continuous improvement.
During her 17 years in the Charity sector as Executive officer she was well respected has a key leader in all areas across Business management; Finance & Audit, Payroll & Pension, IT, Contracts & Leases, Governance, Data Protection, Due diligence, Insurance, HR and TUPE. During this time, she held a position on the West Midlands Pension Fund Employer committee representing the voluntary sector.
Her most recent success was leading the Charity through the full process of Incorporation, overseeing the legal and operational functions. Lisa was recognised by the Board for her tenacity, values ethics, commitment, and her resilience during the challenges that were presented.
Her drive, support and achievements during her time at the Charity fuelled a passion to continue this within a Primary MAT and thus her decision to join Hales Valley MAT which remains a growing Trust.
Lisa served as a Trustee for several years for a Charity who challenges social injustice and health inequalities for people with learning disabilities. As such her personal qualities align closely with the Nolan principles.
Director of Education - Kate Hall
Kate has worked in primary education for over 20 years. She describes herself as a teacher who constantly refines her teaching skills, knowledge, and experience, so that we can apply this knowledge and understanding to her leadership, enabling her to promote the best outcomes for all pupils across our Trust.
Within the role of Director of Education, she has focused attention on the education provided by the schools in the Trust and the strategies that are associated with better outcomes for pupils. Through using her secure knowledge and understanding of quality first teaching and learning, she can identify what needs to be done, what it will look like, and what impact it will have.
Previously, within her role as a Headteacher of a large 3-form entry primary school, she has had extensive experience of being able to successfully implement whole school pedagogical changes, based on research such as IRIS Connect, Accelerated Reader, Early Reading Scheme and Phonic Programme, Mastery Maths, Artificial Intelligence platforms, and the implementation of The Write Stuff approach to the teaching of writing.
As an accredited professional coach, Kate has seen the benefits of coaching in staff at all career stages for professional development, personal growth, and curriculum changes. Her passion for coaching has extended to volunteering as a coach in the Women Leading in Education network and at the time was instrumental in her school being appointed as an ‘OLEVI Centre of Excellence in the Practice of Coaching’.
As well as coaching, Kate has implemented IRIS platform across the Trust enabling staff to reflect and gain a deeper insight into their teaching practice. Not just for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching but sharing good practice to develop others further.
Over many years, as an SLE, Kate has participated in a range of experience of working with headteachers beyond the Trust to initiate whole school changes, in addition to successful, effective school improvement. She is a trained facilitator for NPQ programmes as well as leadership and teaching and learning programmes written by OLEVI.
Through her role as a Peer-to-Peer Review facilitator, Kate uses her curriculum and pedagogical knowledge alongside a range of interpersonal and communication skills to draw on strengths and tangible actions for schools beyond the Trust – working with leaders from other schools and conducting ‘deep dives’ linked to enquiry questions.
Kate is a research informed leader. Through reading about and around educational theories, topics and research, she is able to make informed decisions about the education of pupils across the Trust and maintain, improve or change practice to improve the quality of education in our schools.
Executive Leaders
Executive Headteacher - Lapal Primary School, Woodside Primary School and Gig Mill Primary School- Joanna Turner
Joanna is Executive Headteacher of Lapal Primary School and Woodside Primary School. She has worked in education for the past 21 years, teaching across the primary age range. Joanna gained her National Professional Qualification for Headship in 2011 and has recently participated in training to become the Senior Mental Health Lead in School.
From to 2012 to 2022 Joanna was Head of Lapal Primary School, a successful, over-subscribed, primary in Halesowen. Under her leadership the school has grown from 315 pupils on roll to 380. The school has been extended and modernised during this period and pupil outcomes have improved year upon year. The school has moved from an Ofsted grading of satisfactory, to a school recognised as potentially obtaining outstanding at its next inspection.
Throughout her career, she has supported a number of local schools with their own school improvement journey, acting as a lead facilitator for peer-to-peer reviews. She also provided leadership support for a school in special measures, acting as consultant Headteacher for a 12-month period.
Joanna sits on the steering group for Halesowen Teaching and Learning Community, helping to improve the lives and experiences of pupils, staff and families within the Halesowen township.
Before Headship, she taught across the primary age range and held many senior leadership posts, including, Key Stage leader, Assistant Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher. Joanna became an Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) in 2005, a role where she supported individuals and schools across the LA, specialising in Early Years and assessment for learning.
Joanna, trained at Worcester University completing a 4-year BA Hons degree with Qualified Teacher Status and specialism in Art. She wanted to teach from a young age, initially qualifying to teach dance and gaining experience by coordinating summer holiday schemes for children with profound and multiple learning difficulties at a local residential school.
Joanna believes that education can transform children’s lives and is therefore committed to giving the children who attend the schools she leads the very best opportunities to excel. She believes in providing a caring, friendly, and nurturing environment, where children can develop socially, academically, emotionally, and as unique individuals. Joanna thinks that it is important to create and deliver an inspiring and relevant curriculum that will develop children’s knowledge and skills in order to prepare them for life beyond school.
Outside of work, Joanna enjoys spending time with her family, walking in the Lake District and participating in anything creative!
Executive Headteacher - Kelvin Daley - Priory Primary School and Withymoor Primary School
Kelvin is Executive Headteacher of Priory Primary School and Withymoor Primary School. He has worked in education for the over 20 years, teaching across the primary age range and holding a range of leadership positions.
Kelvin has always had a desire to work with children and in his teens gained useful skills for his career through regular sports coaching roles.
Following the completion of a Geography and Sport Studies degree at Lancaster University, Kelvin moved to the West Midlands and completed a PGCE at Newman University. He took up a teaching position in 2003 at Lutley Primary School and has since held senior leadership positions in five schools across Hales Valley Trust. During his career, he has engaged with a range of research and professional learning opportunities including the post-graduate certificate in Special Educational Needs Coordination.
Prior to becoming executive headteacher, Kelvin was the headteacher at Priory Primary School, deputy headteacher at Woodside Primary School, Head of Inclusion across Lutley and Lapal Primary Schools and was Vice Principal at Hales Valley Teaching School where he chaired the Teach West Midlands consortium of school-based initial teacher training providers.
Throughout his career he has supported schools to embed sustained school improvement. He is proud of the journey of improvement at Priory Primary School from an inadequate OFSTED judgement in 2017 to a requires improvement judgement in 2022 and outcomes across the school in 2024 that are inline with or above national figures from early years to reading, writing and maths combined at the end of Key Stage 2. Most recently, he has led Skills Builder leaders across the trust to obtain either gold or flagship status.
Kelvin believes that education should equip children with the academic knowledge, skills and personal qualities required for future success whilst maintaining ownership of their own personal journey. This education should be provided in a positive, safe, motivating and nurturing environment underpinned by authentic relationships and access to a wide range of academic and enrichment opportunities.
Outside of work, Kelvin enjoys spending time with his family, playing football and exploring new recipes as he is a keen amateur cook.
School Improvement Team
Head of Inclusion - Emma Tolley
Emma has worked in Dudley for the last 22 years working at Lapal Primary School as an NQT and working as a Deputy Head Teacher.
As Deputy Head at Lapal Primary School, Emma was Pupil premium lead, designated safeguarding lead and SENDco. Emma supported Hales Valley Trust schools last academic year to implement and monitor impact of the school led tutoring scheme. Each school now has established school led tutors working with children to close gaps which may have developed through the pandemic.
Emma's passion has always been in education, and will always relish the prospect of supporting schools within the trust to make inclusion at the heart of everything they do.
Supporting Improvement Practitioner - Laura Atkinson
With over 18 years of experience in primary education, Laura Atkinson has dedicated her career to fostering a culture of excellence, where high expectations and an environment of no limitations allow children to thrive. Laura recognises that success extends beyond academic ability, providing opportunities for pupils to become upstanding citizens within their school and community. Laura believes that challenges such as deprivation and vulnerability should not hinder future prospects and aspirations, viewing diversity as a strength that enables pupils to flourish as individuals.
In 2010, Laura qualified as an Advanced Skills Teacher (AST), and in 2012, became a Specialist Leader in Education (SLE). Her commitment to professional development is evident through her completion of the NPQSL and ASEL apprenticeships. These qualifications enabled Laura to support the local authority by assisting schools and serving as a qualified local authority moderator for KS2 writing for over a decade. Additionally, since 2013, Laura has been a Senior SATS marker for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar and Mathematics.
Laura’s role as Assistant Head of Teaching and Learning for over five years involved developing pedagogy and practice based on research to drive improvement. In 2021, Laura’s efforts in promoting a whole-school approach to children's love of reading were recognised with The Farshore Reading for Pleasure award. Laura’s work was published on the OU Reading for Pleasure website, and she was invited to be a keynote speaker at the 2022 Reading for Pleasure conference alongside the award winning author, Frank Cottrell-Boyce.
Laura has worked at Lapal Primary School since 2011, taking on a variety of roles including phase leader, Maths and English lead, Assistant Head of Teaching and learning and Deputy Head Teacher. More recently, Laura worked as Head of School. During this time, pupil outcomes continued to improve year upon year and in 2023, the school was recognised for their commitment to continuous improvement and were judged to be Outstanding by OFSTED.
Currently, Laura works across the Trust as a school improvement practitioner, collaborating with teachers and leaders to enhance key areas of teaching and learning. Laura’s journey to date, reflects a deep commitment to educational excellence and the belief that every child can succeed.
Finance, Operations and IT Team
Head Of Finance - Katie Jones
Katie is a qualified accountant who has worked within an accounts function for over 20 years. Katie joined the trust in 2019 and brings experience from working in management accounting and financial analyst roles in the public sector and a number of private sector industries.
Head of Operations - Rachel Dean
Rachel has worked as a Finance Manager for over 13 years within the Banking Industry. She joined Woodside Primary School as a Finance Assistant and supported the school with Office Management, Finance and Administration. Rachel worked closely with the School Business manager to ensure to school operated effectively. Rachel was appointed in November 2018 to the Executive Team to provide operational and financial support for Hales Valley Trust.
Estates and IT Lead - Coming soon....
Coming soon....
Senior IT Technician - Chris Naylor
Chris began his career in 2005 as an IT Technician apprentice. He has over 15 years’ experience working for primary schools in Dudley and 3 years’ experience working for a Birmingham based secondary school.
He started as an IT Technician with Hales Valley Trust in 2019 originally based at Priory Primary School and Hurst Hill Primary School. After 2 years in the role he began supporting another school in the trust helping pupils and staff across all 3 sites on a weekly basis.
In 2023 his role became central team based allowing him to work across all 7 schools in Hales Valley Trust.
IT Apprentice - Alisha Alias
Alisha started her apprenticeship with us in September 2023. She works closely with our Senior Technician, offering support across all 7 schools in the Trust.
Finance Officer - Coming soon....
Coming soon....
Finance Assistant - Claire Raxster
Claire is a qualified accountant who worked within an accounting practice for 11 years before joining Woodside Primary School in 2020, as a Finance Administrator. In February 2022 Claire was seconded to the central team and has since been appointed as the Finance Assistant.
Finance Assistant - Brittany Bowen
Brittany joined the Central team in October 2024 as a Finance Assistant. She previously worked at Gig Mill Primary School as Finance/Administrative Assistant.
HR Assistant - Tracey Hill
Tracey joined the Central team in February 2023 as a HR Assistant to the Trust. She has over 12 years experience in Business Administration and HR working within the Royal Air Force at various locations around the UK and then briefly working at Dudley MBC gaining experience in recruitment.